Child sexual abuse awareness

Who is this training for? This training course is designed for people who are working in the field of child protection and wish to increase their knowledge and understanding of child sexual abuse. It is an entry level course so less suitable for professionals with significant experience in this area. It will be helpful to […]

Assessing women who sexually offend

This training will be of particular interest to professionals working in the assessment or treatment of women who have sexually abused children How will it help? This training course focuses on the Assessment Framework for Female Sexual Abusers V2 (AFFSA 2), a case formulation tool to aid in the assessment of women who have sexually […]

Women who sexually abuse children – an introductory course

Who is this training for? This training will be of interest to all professionals working with, or likely to work with, women who sexually abuse children. This training course provides the knowledge and insight into women who sexually abuse children, exploring the nature of abuse, the motives of the women and issues to be considered […]

Preventing sexual harm: assessing risk and decision-making in family contexts

This training is aimed at those working in child protection, particularly professionals specialising in protecting children from sexual harm. How will it help? The training will provide an overview of case formulation, factors to consider within risk / protective capabilities assessments, as well as providing frameworks to guide and support assessments and decision making. The […]

Understanding and assessing the parents and carers in the context of child sexual abuse

Who is this training for? This training will be of interest to all child and public protection professionals, especially those working to protect children from sexual harm in family settings. It will also be of benefit to Guardians ad Litem, private therapists and counsellors, health workers, and community and faith groups. How will it help? […]

Understanding and preventing online child sexual abuse

Who is this training for? This training will be beneficial to professionals working with adult males who have sexually offended online and / or with partners and families affected by online offending. It will also be of benefit to social workers, police and probation officers, private therapists and counsellors, prison staff, health workers, housing workers, […]

Understanding men who sexually abuse children

Who is this training for? This training will be beneficial to professionals working with adult males with a conviction or allegation of child sexual abuse and / or with partners and families affected by offending. It will also be of benefit to social workers, police and probation officers, private therapists and counsellors, prison staff, health […]

What’s Porn Got To Do With It?

An event co-hosted by Lucy Faithfull Foundation and NWG. How pornography contributes to harmful sexual behaviour in young people – and what needs to change. 

Tuesday, March 4 · 9:30am – 12:30pm GMT.

Price: £52.74 per person

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We want to hear from you

As you may have noticed, our website looks a little different now. We’ve restructured and redesigned the site to be more accessible to you, so we’d love to know what you think. All feedback will remain anonymous; we do not collect any personal identifying information.