Who is this training for?
This training will be of interest to all child and public protection professionals, including social workers.
It will be of benefit to staff working in social care, youth work, health sectors and those working in residential care settings.
How will it help?
This training course provides the awareness and insight required to understand, identify and respond to child sexual exploitation.
Using relevant research and legislation, as well as high profile cases, the training explores the process of child sexual exploitation and the common myths and misconceptions associated with it. It will consider how and where CSE happens, who is vulnerable, and the complexity of trauma bonds. The training will assist delegates with identifying signs of CSE and consider best practice in terms of how to respond to it.
Course content and learning outcomes
By the end of the course participants will have learnt about:
- what Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is
- issues related to stigma of young people who have been at risk of child sexual exploitation or sexually exploited
- why young people are at risk of CSE and the impact it has
- risk indicators, protective factors, triggers and maintaining factors
- responding to CSE including prevention and direct work
- legislation and guidance related to CSE
Learning outcomes
- Greater awareness of the prevalence of CSE and contexts in which it occurs
- Understanding of the learning gained from high profile cases
- Improved confidence in identifying CSE
- Increased understanding of why children and young people struggle to recognise they are being/or have been exploited
- Practical knowledge in how to respond to warning signs