Society’s relationship with pornography looks very different today than it did 20 years ago, with the internet making a broad range of sexual material accessible to everybody.
In 2023, The Children’s Commissioner’s office shared that “By age nine, 10% had seen pornography, 27% had seen it by age 11”.
Harnessing their expertise and data-driven insights, the Lucy Faithfull Foundation will take you on a journey to explore the nature of pornography, its mark on societal norms, and its impact on young people and adults.
This event, co-hosted with NWG Network, will examine the relevance of pornography in the pathway to sexually harmful behaviours amongst young people and adults. And finally, will outline the legislative and regulatory landscape, and the role of tech companies, to consider what needs to change to make the internet a safer place for children.
Who should attend?
Any practitioner or volunteer working with children and young people, and families, across health, education or safeguarding.
Learning outcomes
- Understand the impact of pornography on young people and society
- Gain insight into how pornography fits in the pathways to sexual harm amongst young people and adults
- Have clarity over what needs to change to combat the harm caused by pornography and keep children safe
- Awareness of dynamic and helpful resources to use with young people and parents