Stop It Now confidential helpline0808 1000 900

Assessments, interventions, the Wolvercote Clinic and Circles: the beginnings of The Lucy Faithfull Foundation

Since The Lucy Faithfull Foundation was founded in 1992, we’ve focused on preventing sexual abuse by working with people who have or might harm. We started out delivering treatment programmes for offenders, including at the residential Wolvercote Clinic, the only one of its kind in the UK. Though the programme would close in 2002, its innovative approach to abuse prevention continues to inform our work today and set us apart Read More

Who was Lucy Faithfull? Celebrating 30 years of The Lucy Faithfull Foundation

As we celebrate 30 years of The Lucy Faithfull Foundation, we look back at the life of our founder. Find out more about our history in our anniversary booklet.  Our founder: Baroness Lucy Faithfull OBE (1910 – 1996) The Foundation was the inspiration of Baroness Lucy Faithfull – the ‘mother to hundreds’ who dedicated her life to protecting children from harm. When she was six, Lucy’s father Read More

Preventing harmful sexual behaviour: evaluating the Risk of Online Sexual Abuse (ROSA) Project

Around one-third of child sexual abuse is carried out by under-18s and online harm is a growing problem as young people’s use of technology has increased. Many people might be surprised at this but it shows how important prevention work with young people can be. To combat these issues, in 2018, we launched the ROSA Project. Over three years, we worked with young people between the ages of 11-19 who had exhibited technology-assisted Read More

Using live chat to help prevent child sexual abuse: reviewing our first year

People worried about their own sexual thoughts, feelings and behaviour towards children will reach out for help when they know it’s available. Our Stop It Now! UK and Ireland helpline has shown this and over the last 20 years has supported more than 60,000 people. In that time, we’ve expanded the ways that people can get in touch beyond our confidential helpline. We launched an anonymous email system and later online self-help Read More

Isolation, unemployment and escalating pornography habits contribute to a record rise in people seeking help to stop viewing sexual images of children

Stop It Now! UK and Ireland, the UK’s first confidential and anonymous helpline that supports people who are worried about their own or someone else’s sexual thoughts, feelings and behaviour towards children, urges people to get support to stop viewing sexual images of under 18s online. New data released today by the charity shows a significant increase in the number of contacts to the helpline and visits to the online Read More

What we all need to know to protect children who are at higher risk of harm

We work hard to keep all children safe from sexual abuse. But some children are more at risk of harm than others, including those from LGBTQ+ or ethnic minority backgrounds, or those who have a learning disability. That’s why Stop It Now! Wales partnered with Ethnic Minorities and Youth Service Team (EYST), Learning Disability Wales (LDW), and Stonewall Cymru to create a series of educational leaflets for parents, carers, and Read More

Working together to keep children in Plymouth safe from abuse

In partnership with Together for Childhood, we launched a hard-hitting campaign this month to halt and reverse the rise in the number of people involved in child sexual abuse, both online and offline. It urges those acting on this abusive behaviour to stop and asks all adults to be alert to the warning signs in others and take action. Estimates suggest tens of thousands of people in the UK are viewing sexual images of children online, and Read More

10 ways to help keep your children safe from sexual abuse

Around 1 in 6 children are sexually abused before they are 16 and many aren't able to tell anyone. We can't leave it to children to protect themselves so it's vital for all adults to have the knowledge to confidently keep children safe from harm, online and offline. That's why we've brought together our top tips for parents and carers to help stop child sexual abuse. Tip 1: Talk to your child about what they do Read More

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2 Birch House
Harris Business Park
Hanbury Road
Stoke Prior
B60 4DJ

Tel: 01527 591922
Fax: 01527 575 939

For help with a child sexual abuse issue, call our
Stop It Now helpline on 0808 1000 900 or
click here to send us a secure email or use our live chat.

Lucy Faithfull Foundation

Lucy Faithfull Foundation is a Registered Charity No. 1013025, and is a company limited by guarantee, Registered in England No. 2729957.

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